MAAA Wingspan

03 MAAALogo. MAY WING SPAN MAAA EXECUTIVE president’s report RPAS Registration - Current update CASA The MAAA were recently engaged in negotiations with CASA, as a result, our members can continue flying from any recognised MAAA site with little or no noticeable change. While we did not receive all our desired outcomes, this is a small win for the organisation. State secretaries have been asked to advise the MAAA of any ancillary flying sites used by clubs for club events - for example, float plane sites. In addition, a member who regularly flies on their own private property may request the club to register the property with their club as an ancillary club flying field. Any registered ancillary flying site may be used by MAAA members in accordance with CASA regulations and instruments and MAAA MOPs, without further government registration. Of course, registration of a private property does not give other MAAA members the right to fly at the property without the owner’s permission. For interested members, non-powered models are exempt from government registration. More detailed communication regarding our negotiated outcomes was recently emailed to all members, if you did not receive this email please contact the MAAA Secretary to ensure our database is up to date. Council Conference Canberra The annual MAAA Council conference was held in Canberra on May 18 -19, 2019. The MAAA Council is made up of three representatives from each State, normally the President, Secretary and one other member. These members are effectively the MAAA board of directors and are your voice into how the MAAA will function for the coming twelve months. The MAAA is not only the Executive but the whole council. Topics on the agenda, apart from the standard items such as insurance, setting of fees and reports from special interest groups, will include the future and theme of the MAAA Nationals, President: Neil Tank The MAAA are always keen to hear about your successes or story ideas for Wingspan. Please send your ideas to us at . President: Mr Neil Tank Vice President: Bruce Hoffmann Secretary: Mr Tyson Dodd Treasurer: Mr Gary Pope Enquiries about Wingspan, including advertising, feedback and story ideas can be emailed to Remember, if your club is inviting members of the public to an event, feel free to advertise it on the MAAA website! Go to: t o add your event.