MAAA Wingspan

16 After the success of last year’s historic 70th MAAA National Model Aircraft Championships- where 270 pilots travelled to the friendly town of West Wyalong for an exhilarating seven-day event- the 71st MAAA National Model Aircraft Championships will offer continued thrills and fun, being one of the most exciting events on the MAAA calendar. Pilot Warren Leadbeatter, who flies free flight, control line and radio control, attended the 70th ‘Nats’, having enjoyed the thrills and positive vibes experienced alongside his fellow aeromodelling friends. “We are all aeromodellers, who have known each other for years and have this common interest, so it was a great social event to meet up together and enjoy the usual camaraderie, practical jokes and the sort of stuff you do when you’re away,” he said. As Warren explains, the annual Nationals are also about the multitude of aeromodelling events that take place, catering to every pilot’s particular facet and culminating in the time-honoured, highly anticipated ‘free for all’ night scramble. “The night scramble is a really good spectator event; a lot of people come along just to watch-with all the models lit up in flashing colours like Christmas lights. It’s a really good competitive event as well. The great thing about the scramble is that it’s just mayhemwith 1cc models flying everywhere-it’s great fun,” continued Warren. Overall, Warren placed an impressive third in three events he took part in during the ‘Nats’, including the radio control pattern scramble, in free flight for the day scramble and in control line for the open combat event. He said that the latter is another smashing spectator event where models fly after each other in a spirited game of competition. “There is so much on offer at the Nationals so you can’t do everything- you’ve got to take a look at the schedule to pick and choose what you can do without trying to do too much. You want to ensure you can watch some events as well. It’s all about having a good time, socialising, taking part and also watching a few events that you’re interested in.” Pilot Brett Solanov went to his first Nationals back in 1988 and has been attending many more over the past thirty years. Naturally, he has good insight into how the event has evolved over this time period. “In particular, I used to look forward to all the events, in one location, at one time and the gathering of like- minded folk in one town,” he said. “Then it teetered out, disappeared and became more fragmented. Thankfully, with the 70th Nationals, the NSW Free Flight Society decided to bring it all back together for a centralised event in the town of West Wyalong, which I think is fantastic.” Brett also says how he enjoyed watching his son (who’s No. 3 in the world, flying F5B gliders) experience the Nationals and how his enthusiasm for the sport continues to grow. WE SPEAK TO PILOTS FROM LAST YEAR’S EVENT TO FIND OUT WHY IT’S A THRILLING ‘MUST DO’ ON THE AEROMODELLING CALENDAR excitement for the 71ST MAAA NATIONAL MODEL AIRCRAFT CHAMPIONSHIPS